Bengaluru: Karnataka Minister Ramalinga Reddy on Saturday lashed out at the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on the making a get worked up about minorities round issue.
A round was apparently sent to heads of police in all regions from the, requesting their sentiment on renouncing arguments against minority groups in occurrences of shared conflicts.
The clergyman repelled the reports and said that it was not a roundabout but rather just an update.
"The BJP doesn't comprehend English appropriately. It's not roundabout, only an update. Minority pioneers spoke to that some false bodies of evidence enrolled against minorities. IG sent letter to SPs, gave update that is all," Ramalinga Reddy said.
Supposedly, Karnataka Director General of Police Neelamani N Raju discharged the roundabout to pull back bodies of evidence against individuals, who had a place with minority group and were purportedly associated with the common uproars over the most recent five years.
The propel happens to the get together decisions in the express that are expected for April or May.
Right now, the Siddaramaiah-drove Congress government is in charge.
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